Care Connect is registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and conforms to the Care Standards Act 2014, and is also a member of the United Kingdom Home Care Association (UKHCA).

To enable monitoring of our Quality Assurance, each individual’s home care package is reviewed on a regular basis against their Care Plan, to ensure the service continues to meet their needs.

Care Connects aim is to consistently provide a quality service that caters for diverse needs. By this we mean; respecting a person’s preferences and beliefs and their cultural, religious or specific gender needs, providing they do not contravene laws or operational policies.

Quality Assurance is reviewed annually by sending out quality assurance surveys to our service users and also members of staff. The feedback is them analysed and presented in a report which shows a graphical representation of the quality of our service.

Service User Annual Quality Assurance Report 2021

Staff Annual Quality Assurance Report 2021